Mobile App Development
The mobile deluge has hit the very basis of recent time business computing apart from transforming consumer lifestyle radically. The spread of mobile technology, propagation of internet and newer ways of doing business electronically have all led to demands and creations of apps that work on smart phones and devices. Mobile apps for sure have awe struck the IT industry due to features like spontaneity, simplicity and intuition.
Systech using its mobile enterprise development platform has been developing apps for quite some time. Our capabilities support all the OS including Android, Blackberry, iOS and Windows. These apps are extension of our ERP solutions which work in both online and offline (sync) modes.

List Apps
Some of the common Apps that are used by our customers are in the following areas:
- Sales force
- Purchase
- Payments
- Deliveries
- Production
- Fairs & Events
These Apps have helped achieve shop-floor excellence, increased market response time, reduction in operational costs and manifold increase in operational efficiencies.
We undertake to offer
- Apps either discrete or to-be-integrated in naturet
- Apps for any OS viz., iOS, Windows, Blackberry and Android
- Apps for business and special purpose
- Online and offline Apps

Technical Expertise
Android Studio | Android Fast Networking | Retrofit | Google Metrial | REST API | JSON | Appium | Firebase
XCode | Swift | SwiftyJSON