Fixed Assets Management

Extending the value of your fixed assets

Fixed Assets is the back bone of any manufacturing organisation. Fixed Assets directly add to your productivity. Manage your fixed assets that they perform at their best and to their fullest potential.

Are they updated and cared enough to maximise their output. Are preventive measures taken to minimize the downtime. Is the machine paying back on the investment and keeping the business profitable?

Streamline your fixed asset process throughout its lifecycle. Right from procurement to maintenance to insurance to depreciation to sale and disposal, our solutions is complete.

Systech ERP FAMs is the answer to all these concerns. It offers quick-to-act information keeping the entire assets fit, performing and secured.

fixed assets
  • Purchase Management right from Purchase order to goods inward and invoice accounting
  • Asset Master mapping to vendor, Warranty & ASC management
  • Allocation of asset to a department, location, positioning and tracking
  • Insurance & Safety Precautions
  • Depreciation & statutory
  • Physical verification
  • Sale And Disposal
  • Fixed Asset register
  • Integration with Maintenance & Purchase Modules
  • Tally Integration

Systech ERP integrates well with Tally.ERP9

Systech ERP interoperable capability helps you seamlessly integrate and consolidate data under multiple application environment. Tally.ERP9 being the designated financial management software for most of the SMEs in India and middle east, Systech ERP seamlessly integrates with it..Read more